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Logging Data and Displaying Graphs over the Internet with Arduino

  Logging Data and Displaying Graphs over the Internet with Arduino Created on: 16 March 2016 In this tutorial, an Arduino and Ethernet shield are used to send data over the Internet which is then logged and displayed in a graph using an external IoT (Internet of Things) service called  ThingSpeak . Using an external IoT service is a lot easier than using the Arduino and Ethernet shield as a webserver that hosts its own webpage to display the logged data in graphs. When using ThingSpeak, the Arduino is set up as a web client instead of a web server. This simplifies connecting the Arduino to the Internet. The ThingSpeak server also handles capturing the data and displaying the graphs. Any data can be logged, for example, voltage on Arduino analog pins, temperature from a temperature sensor, pressure, humidity, etc. Just set up the Arduino with the desired sensor or sensors and send the data over the Internet for logging and display in a line graph. This tutorial uses an Arduino Uno R3 a

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